As soon as I get the dakis done for the Vivid fall sale, I aim to get our Volume 6 quota filled, and then sprint into major Skirmish animation. Vivid's first video game is out, and I am keen on having a Dreamkeepers game joining the fray soon. It's an insane amount of animation for me and Liz to do- but then, so was the Halloween Prelude special we did for kicks last year. And the gamedevs are leaving it all out on the field for Skirmish. I think we really have a chance to make an INCREDIBLY beautiful, fabulously animated battle game. Something people can get a ton of enjoyment and replayability from- and something that can kick the doors open for more Vivid creation.
We truly want to Go Beyond, and I think we might just pull it off. I want to create an entertainment company that can promote more than just my personal work- one that can elevate incredible creativity, the type of creativity that mainstream legacy corporations leave by the wayside.
Too many indie outfits are earning a bad reputation by totally ripping off their customers, or relying on culture-war allegiance to prop up mediocre products.
I want something out there that truly enables excellent, badass, entertaining, and actually worthwhile work to find its way to the light. To find its way to you.
One comic page at a time, and we are closer than ever before.
I'm rambling.
Feels nice on occasion- maybe I should open up a little more frequently in these blogs.
But the secret sauce of all this, of course, is you.
Man it comes up fast- one day it's palm trees and a sweltering sun by the pool, the next there's a crunch of autumn underfoot.
I love what we're aiming at with Vivid- me and Liz talk about this often- we really think we've got something cool with Dreamkeepers. And if it can serve as the tip of the spear to break through with books and games for more authors- man, I love it.
And even as we strive for the promised land, every pencil stroke and every step is a treat.
Thanks for coming along.