Different kids, from dramatically different backgrounds, brought together by one thing: A horrifying conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of their own government. Can this rag-tag group pull together and salvage the fate of Anduruna- or even survive the coming bloodbath?
An accident-prone social misfit, Mace isn't particularly smart- or fast- or anything. Despite his shortcomings, can he discover what it takes to protect his friends?
When you're unintelligible, you focus on the simple things in life. Food, mugging for hugs from well-endowed chicks, food... But keeping an eye on his one confidante, Mace, leads to more complications than Whip could've ever imagined.
Precocious daughter of the Viscount, Lilith has spent her life shunning the spotlight in favor of books. When her meticulously organized future is cataclysmically derailed, she begins the struggle to regain control- without forsaking her principles.
Illegitimate daughter of the Viscount, Namah's life locked in shadow is mercifully disrupted. Carefree adventure awaits- or, at least, it would if Lilith and Mace would stop groping for terminally stupid solutions.
Emotionally damaged loner with a volatile temper — and a devastating power.
Kalei recovers from her fugue with a strange glow — and fragmented memories of her missing sister. She'll do anything to get Jeneviv back — anything.
It's just a stupid animal I mean look at it.
Fixated on her idol Tinsel, Wisp’s fractured personalities all have their say in the best way to seek approval. ...It often involves violence.
The latest and greatest recruit to the Nightmare cause, Randy will show up Mace and any other rivals, just as soon as he feels up to it.
He tried to title himself ‘The Underlord,’ but none of the other Nightmares would call him that. Scuttles is a rare and underappreciated creative soul- but someone has to obsessively sculpt all those sandmen.
Nabonidus enjoyed unquestioned control over the Nightmares- until Void returned. Now his meticulously engineered end-game is in doubt, and a god grows desperate.
Order necessitates uncontested authority. Information must be controlled. Power centralized- never in the hands of rogue elements. All opposition must be taken out with extreme prejudice.
Commanding the highest political office in Anduruna, the Viscount’s image of wholesome confidence fuels his electoral charm. But when his daughters go rogue, something will have to change.
Paid by the hour to keep the Viscount’s most destructive little pink-haired secret safe. Between Woods' veneer of sarcasm, Damon’s trademark stoicism, and Bill’s knack for misfortune, the three may have the slimmest of chances at staying employed.
Stiletto was torn down by life, and learned a crucial lesson: The only way to impose fairness is to raze the playing field. Those who question her mysterious credentials soon find themselves on the wrong side of absolute authority.
One thing stands between bloodthirsty power-abusing street thugs and Cal’s loved ones: His own courage, and the courage of his soldiers. He has seen and suffered too much to turn away from what must be done.
He lost one election to Igrath Winters, long ago. That fluke has since been rectified, and Antioch will stop at nothing to secure absolute order within Anduruna.
‘Digging the Real Dirt’ is what uber-journalist Boore does every night on mass media... Provided that dirt never soils the wrong people. As his true job becomes ever more apparent, Boore will have to choose between his money, his mouth, and all possible juxtapositions of those things.
...Big mistake.
Former senior political advisor to the Viscount, Nainso has always preferred to operate unobtrusively. This opened the gateway to careful observation of historically unprecedented corruption. Being a history buff, Nainso would know.
Determination to walk a virtuous path has led Bobby into the heart of darkness, an illegal underground militia. But is it best to leave such a venture in the hands of the ruthless? The stakes are high, and the lives of his friends are on the line. Bobby must serve as a soldier and a guide, come what may.
Tough as nails and twice as sharp. Tempestuous by nature, Vi has learned to channel her fury with both emotional and trigger discipline. Shafted by life, fighting back has earned her the rank of a Troika lieutenant. If her companions can’t penetrate her defenses, damned if any opponents will get through.
Spies, strippers, and thieves- sometimes all at the same time. Their peppy formidability is matched only by their unwavering romantic admiration of the forbidden celebrity, Igrath Winters.
The first of Grunn’s orphans to become dangerously unruly, Karo is patient zero in Scinter’s experimental child-soldier army. What better way to avoid all those parental permission slips? Weapons-grade enthusiasm makes Karo the perfect candidate to fight (or drink) his way to victory.
Anduruna’s greatest champion. Athlete, war hero, Guard Captain… and fugitive. Felled by a conspiracy, the blind general operates underground raising a secret army to stand against the darkness. But whether his honor can survive in a landscape of brutal espionage remains to be seen… Particularly when he will go to any length to protect his only remaining family members, Lilith and Namah.
Scinter was once idealistic, inventing teleportation pads for the betterment of society. Society jailed him for working without proper permits. Within prison Scinter returned to his roots, building the family business into Anduruna’s largest black market syndicate. Discovering the Nightmare conspiracy didn’t change him, so much as justify him. Now he makes guns. Lots of guns. Calculating, cold and ruthless, you couldn’t call him a good guy. But nobody wants him as an enemy.
Brutal boss of the sprawling Neon Knives gangs. Is his cannibalism calculated to instill fearful loyalty, or is it simply a way to pass the time? The world may never know.
Vanth didn’t grow up on the wrong side of town, but she’s trapped there now. With her beloved mess of a pet and her silent murderous companion Scythe, she just might outlive her usefulness.
Not as stable as he looks.
A legendary enforcer from the Old Days, years ago when the crime syndicates reigned supreme. Scythe was part of a hit team intended to wipe out the upstart Neon Knives- until his companions were informed that he had received a satisfactory counter-offer.
It ain’t the years, it’s the miles.
Illegal ryuu-neko cage fights are his specialty. Win or lose, he gets a cut of the bloody action. Unceasing paranoia is his second hobby.
Disgruntled ex-barrista. She dresses to provoke a response, and punish it. Peers have learned to respect her venti-sized vicious streak.